“Passion”Painting and Ceramics Exhibition
2010.10.05 - 2010.12.05
A group of art lovers with varying levels of physical and mental abilities
presents to us their extraordinary world view and unique perception of life…
“Passionate about life,
we are seeking to incorporate our special conditions in our efforts to create.
Passionate about painting and drawing,
we are always striving to learn and excel.
Passionate about art,
we are plunging ourselves deep into this fathomless exploration.
We sincerely invite you to view our exhibition, PASSION, and share our love for art.”
Participants:Inclusive Art Hub(Cheung Ka-cheng, Chiu Mo-yim, Leung Hing-ling, Leung Siu-wah, Liu Tung-mui, Keung Wai-kai and Kwan Man-hing) & Hip Hip Pottery