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i-dArt The 2nd Art COurse (4-Year) Graduation Show Art Album

In 2013, our Rehabilitation Complex co-operated with the Department of Visual Studies of Lingnan University to launch the pilot programme being the first comprehensive and systematic art course for people with different abilities in Hong Kong. The course design consisted of both theory teaching and studio practice, reference was made to general art course offered to adults. In addition, individual planning and design were also provided for each student according to his/her own abilities and characteristics. Instructors and the teaching team followed the progress of the students, adjusted the pace as well as the teaching methods to meet the specific needs of the students. The art course is in fact tailored and people-based.


To continue this distinguishing feature, the 2nd Art Course is also tailor-made. Drawing on the experience gained in the 1st and aiming to strengthen connection between the students’ personal everyday living and creativity, together with making use of art languages as a tool to release emotions, great adjustments have been made to the course design and teaching mode. The duration has been extended from three years to cater for the learning progress of the students, so as to let them have much more stimulation for their exploration of senses and expression of emotions. Furthermore, it will also allow our students to have life experiences on popular culture and different social issues, which they have limited chances to get in touch with. We hope that our course will be the art platform for them to connect with society on more aspect.


Four years have passed and the journey is no plain sailing. No matter our students, instructors or team members, all experienced lots of failures and difficulties along the way. How could we motivate our students to do their creations and let them understand abstract concepts? We also had to handle the challenging behaviors of the students, and etc. Fortunately, every of us always support and is patient with each other. During these four years, we have enriched each other’s art knowledge as well as lives. Today, our students graduated. We hope to share with you bits of life in these four years of their learning through this graduation exhibition.


Teaching Team:

LAI Chun-ling, Dick

LAI Wai-yi, Monti

LEUNG CHing-wan, Gigi


YU Bellini Guy Tse

WONG Ka-ho, Leo

AU CHe-yan

TSOI Kai-yi, Grace

WONG Sau-chu

TSANG Wai-yi

CHUNG Chun-yi


Guest Teachers for Humanities

YIM Yuen-Fan, Ester

TSUN Ka-kwan, Kady


Research Team

Pro. LAW Suk-man, Sophia

YEUNG Yan-ki

Jamie ZHAN
CHEUNG Wing-shun

WU Shuk-wa

LIU Nan-xi


Advising Team

Prof. LAW Suk-man, Sophia

Dr. Evelyna LIANG KAN

YEUNG Sau-churk, Ricky

YEUNG Mee-ling


Special Thanks to

YU Ming-yuen



LAI Chun-ling, Dick




CHAN Cheong-yip

CHAN Hip-yan

CHAN wai-sum

HO Ka-lun

LEE Pui-lung

LEUNG Ka-fai

LEUNG Kam-chung, Michael

LO Siu-kuen

MA Yuk-fai

MUI Wing-shins, Dominic

WONG Sau-lan

WONG Yuk-kuen

YEUNG Ka-ting

List of Works

Course Introduction

Course Structure

About i-dArt team

Course Team & Acknoeledgement