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Graduation book i-dArt Art Course (3-Year) 2013-2016

The power of art is undeniable. Therefore, to include art in social services is not a recent development. Today, in rehabilitation sector, art becomes more accessible to persons with different abilities. However, for most of them who are talented and are interested to receive art training or to further their art study, they encounter many difficulties to find any comprehensive and systematic art education program outside special schools. The existing adult programs in Hong Kong available to a continuing art education are provided. In view of this, in 2013, we collaborated with Department of Visual Studies, Lingnan University to launch this first pilot art education program in Hong Kong. It is comprehensive and systematic and specifically designed for persons with different abilities. The objective of this course is not to make everyone an artist, but to create an equal opportunity for everyone to learn.


The curriculum integrates practice and theory. No direct reference can be made to the existing art education for adults generally. It is not so much a course for instructors to teach. Instructors and the team would follow the steps of the students and in response to their traits and capabilities, they will made adjustments to the progress and the teaching methodology. The curriculum is person-centered. The students have reminded and caused us to make more reflections. Have the established experiences in rehabilitation service sometimes limited our imagination and conception of their abilities to raise self quality of living and to explore their life experiences? These are, for instance, the way of the persons with intellectual disability to understand abstractionism, the mode of the persons with autism to associate things with their emotions, and the need of the persons with physical disability to develop their self-cognition and to express their feelings… All there are the new inspirations we have gained from this artistic exploration which are beyond languages and the rights or wrongs.


The first graduation show is not only to showcase the joy that the students have had and the changes that they have undergone during these 3-year hard work, but also the persistence and the boldness of our entire team, their continuous efforts to look for the inadequacies of the program and search for solutions, their making of constant views for further improvements and their attitude. We hope that all the people who are interested in art, social workers, people in the art field and our audience will share our conviction and work hard together to bring about a person-centered and inclusive art education for all to study together.


Course Team & Acknowledgement

Teaching Team

WONG Kin-hang

LIU Cheng-miu


LAI Wai-yi, Monti

LAI Chun-ling, Dick

YU Bellini Guy Tse

CHAN Mo-lan


Research Team

Prof. LAW Suk-mum, Sophia


LUK Shao-shin, Frieda

LEUNG Hoi-Kiu, Jane

YU Bellini Guy Tse


Guest teachers for Humanities

Dr. TANG Ying-chi Stella

YIM Yuen-fan, Esther

YEUNG Sau-churk, Ricky

Prof. LAU Yin-ping, Grace


Advising Team

Pro. LAW Suk-mum, Sophia

Dr. Evelyna LIANG KAN

Dr. HO Ying-fund

YEUNG Mee-ling


Graduation book


YIU Tze-leung, Ivan



YEUNG Mee-ling

YU Bellini Guy Tse

TSE Ka-kiu, Jackiu


Layout Design

TSE Ka-kiu, Jackiu



NG Miu-yi


Artwork selection

The Curator, the Instructors and the 16 students


Design and production of graduation gown

TSANG Wing-yan, Toby

CHAN Mo-lan, Venus


Photography & Photo-edit

PUN Cho-man

KWOK Ping-kay

CHAN Ming-por, David



i-dArt, TWGHs