HOW FAR WE CAN GO? International Conference on Art Development for People with Intellectual Disabilities cum Carnival
“ How far can we go?”
“Practice more, go further!”
“Are you sure?”
Running for a marathon, you increase your mileage week by week and then in the bug day, for your effort paid, you will complete the marathon and even break your last Personal Best.
We are happy to see the enjoyment our art lovers with intellectual disabilities have and the changes they have undergone during these years. We believe art colours their lives. Art is essential if their quality of life is to be enhanced. We now want to know how far can we go with them together, and what will be next, as regards as art?
As yet, we are still searching for this answer and we would like to seek this answer with you and all members in the community together, no matter you are an artist, an art lover, people with intellectual disabilities (PWID), a social worker, a rehabilitation worker, a practitioner in education, a parent or a community member who just loves your community. Let us explore in this International Art Conference for PWID cum Carnival.
We want to explore the following fields:
- Right of PWID to participate in art and cultural activities;
- Appreciation and facilitation of the hidden artistic talents of PWID;
- Promoting their artistic creations;
- Art as a road to dignity and empowerment, and further to build art as career
About Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
About i-dArt
About Conference
General Information
Conference Schedule
Plenary session
Parallel session
Workshop & Open Classroom
Bing Ba Wa Art Carnival
Behind the Scene
Supporting Organisation:
Art Promotion Office, Art in Hospital, Centre for Community Cultural Development, OTOXO production, INtegrated Arts Education Association of Taipei, 廣東省殘疾人康復協會, Foshan Shunde Dewei Charity Foundation.
Think Tank: CHEUNG Stephanie, CHUNG Grace, FUNG Wai Ying Emily, LAW Sophia Suk-mun, LIANG KAN Evelyna, MOK Augustine Chiu-yu
MTR Corporation Community Involvement Team
Peace of Mind Mercy Foundation Ltd
All Volunteers
All participating staff in TWGHs rehabilitation services