BiG-i×Bunkamura Art Project Exhibition of Selected Works
26 November 2024
恭喜愛不同藝術兩位藝術家 - 詩敏及兆良入選由BiG-i國際障礙者交流中心與文化村Bunkamura主辦的BiG-i × Bunkamura藝術計劃!兩位的作品早前於澀谷Bunkamura Gallery 8展出,現帶大家一起來欣賞。
入選作品|林兆良《Walking by the Mountains》
Congratulations to i-dArt's artists, Sze-man and Siu-leung for their artworks selected in the Art Project co-organised by BiG-i, the international communication center for persons with disabilities, and Bunkamura. Their works had been shown in Bunkamura Gallery 8 located in Shibuya from August 30 to September 9 2024. Let's us all appreciate their artworks.
Selected Works|KWOK Sze-man "Sculpture"
Selected Works|LAM Siu-leung "Walking by the Mountains"