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From Plants to Celebration of Life - Exploring Life and Death from Different Perspectives

6 July 2024

Besides experiencing life cycles from planting, six members from The Life Exploration Group participated in a lecture at the Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour to understand various pre-funeral preparation and different types of burial, realizing that the topic of death does not need to be feared if we view it from a positive perspective.
Many of them shared their thoughts on pre-funeral preparation. Siu-mei enjoys laughing and often filled the classroom with her laughter, shared that when she passes away, she would like her ashes to be scattered in the sea, so that her laughter can spread widely without any concerns. Kar-lok wants his ashes to be scattered in a garden, so that people can bring his favorite roasted chicken to visit him. 
Death may not be as fearful or a taboo as it seems. An exhibition will be held in the second half of 2024 to summarize the intriguing discussions and creations within the group, please stay tuned for the details.