CHAN Hip-yan
The ingenious Avant-garde
“Covering the favourite magazines with subtle brushstrokes shows one’s own perception and reveals a different story.”
Hip-yan has explored various art medium and different styles for her two-dimensional creation. In her sketches and under her delicate brush strokes, lines running from different directions cross each other. It is really her unique style. Images on the magazines, covered/re-create with sharp and contrasting solid colours, become a story re-interpreted by her.
The process not only reflects her independent thinking, but also her study of the works. She chooses the magazine pages in a self-directed manner. She reads the visual images and selects which materials and colors to paint, then decides what and how to cover/re-create. When she keeps an individual object or the outline of a figure intact, it is intriguing. An atmosphere of mystery and stillness is created by the dense lines and rough texture.
Till now, she keeps exploring possibilities in her works by this unique way of creation, such as choosing publication materials in different sizes and textures. Recently, she has even created a "hang-in-the-air" painting method. The translucent feature of paper under the light allows her to cover/re-create the image projected on the back of the paper.
藝術經驗 Art Experience
2014 |
「畫中舞 II – 歲月.流.白」,香港演藝學院戲劇院,香港 "Paintings in Dance II: Time – Flow – White", The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong |
2017 |
入選日本Big-i藝術項目2017 Artwork selected in Big-I Art Project 2017 |
2018 |
畫中舞III《看我.... 舞》,西灣河文娛中心劇院,香港 “Art in Dance III — Look at me….Dance” , Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre, Hong Kong 愛不同藝術第二屆藝術課程(四年)年度展,愛不同藝術空間,香港 i-dArt The 2nd Art Course (4 Years) Annual Show, i-dArt Space, Hong Kong 「愛不同藝術 第二屆 藝術課程 (四年) 年度展」, 牛棚藝術村,香港 "i-dArt The 2nd Art Course (4-Year) Annual Show", Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong 藝無疆:新晉展能藝術家大匯展2018—公開組 入圍 Art work selected in Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2018—Open Division 日本財団 DIVERSITY IN THE ARTS 公募展 2018—海外作品賞 The Nippon Foundation DIVERSITY IN THE ARTS International Art Competition 2018 – Overseas Works Award 《Fashion Magazine》&《Trainers》 |
2019 |
日本財団 DIVERSITY IN THE ARTS 公募展 2019—入賞作品 The Nippon Foundation DIVERSITY IN THE ARTS International Art Competition 2019 – Winning Works |
2020 |
「我們的告別展」,愛不同藝術空間,香港 “Our Farewell Exhibition” i-dArt Space, Hong Kong 社創SoIN:無障畫創大賽 Art Competition for Social Inclusion — 入圍 「我是這樣畫畫的」聯合展覽,愛不同藝術胡李名靜藝廊,香港 “I Draw this Way ”join exhibition, i-dArt - Kitty WOO Gallery, Hong Kong 畢業於「愛不同藝術 第二屆藝術課程 (四年)」 Graduated at i-dArt 2nd Art Course (4-Year) 「2020 PARAART TOKYO International Exhibition」,東京藝術劇場,日本 "2020 PARAART TOKYO International Exchange Exhibition", Tokyo Metropolitan Theater, Japan 「平面雜作」個人展,iBakery 愛烘焙餐廳,香港 "Cover Magazine" solo exhibition, iBakery Gallery Café, Hong Kong
2021 |
日本財団 DIVERSITY IN THE ARTS 公募展 2021—入賞作品 The Nippon Foundation DIVERSITY IN THE ARTS International Art Competition 2019 – Honorable Mentions |
CHAN Hip-yan's Artwork